
I'm Vaishali. I'm a software developer based out of Berlin, Germany.

I have been mostly working on systems software, kernel and virtualization related stuff since last 8 years. Occassionally I also get involved with paid/volunteer projects related to open source community management and technical writing. You can check out some of my Linux Kernel patches, Xen patches and github profile to get some idea about my work.

In the past I was associated with Outreachy as a (volunteer)coordinator for the linux kernel projects. I also worked with Travis Foundation for few years as a co-organizer of RGSoC.

I like knowledge sharing at conferences about the software development and systems programming related stuff. I was used to conduct Linux Kernel workshops in Indian universities during the early days of career. I no longer do that but the workshop material and slides of my all talks can be accessed here and here.

If you want to discuss anything related to above interests of mine, feel free to email at me.vaishalithakkar@gmail.com. I'm generally always up for connecting with like minded folks.